


All responses to this questionnaire are confidential and will only be viewed by the course facilitators. References to answers in the questionnaire will come up during the course and your answers will help guide the discussion. However, no one’s name will be associated with any comments or responses made in any public manner. You do not have to put your name and email address at the end of this questionnaire.

Please respond AS SOON AS POSSIBLE by sending your response to

  1. Please describe any formal leadership course work you have taken. Also list some of the books and/or articles you have read on leadership development, leadership theory or leadership practices. If you have written any articles or memos on leadership, please identify them and attach them to your response:
  2. _________________________________________________________________

  3. Please describe your personal and professional goals for this course.
  4. _________________________________________________________________

  5. Please identify specific behaviors or attitudes that you would like to change or eliminate that you believe limit your ability and effectiveness a teacher and a leader.

  6. Describe any specific skills, behaviors or attitudes that you would like to improve or add to your range of competencies that you believe would be beneficial to you as a teacher and a leader.
  7. _________________________________________________________________

  8. Please describe several leadership challenges and problems that you and your school face on a regular basis.

  9. Identify the best example of leadership you have personally accomplished or have observed another person accomplish and explain why it was excellent/successful.

  10. Identify the worst example of leadership you have encountered and explain why it failed.
  11. _________________________________________________________________

  12. Please let us know what you would like this course to cover.
  13. _________________________________________________________________

  14. Identify several areas that you encounter in your workday environment where you see a greater need for leadership by yourself and/or other teachers.
  15. _________________________________________________________________

  16. How do you think the culture in your school would need to change for teachers, including yourself, to exercise more effective leadership?
  17. _________________________________________________________________

  18. Of the ten theories of leadership, explained in the book, Leadership Development for Educators, which theories, if any, are known and actively used by you:
  19. None: ____________ (check this if you have not read the book or do not know about or use any theory of leadership)

    If you are aware of some or all of the theories of leadership and use them, lease list the theories known and actively used by you

    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
    4. ________________________________________
    5. ________________________________________
    6. ________________________________________
    7. ________________________________________
    8. ________________________________________
    9. ________________________________________
    10. ________________________________________
  20. Describe your own strengths and weaknesses as a leader as you perceive them. Note, sometimes a weakness is an overdone strength.
  21. Strengths:


  22. Please rate yourself on a 1-5 scale on the following questions:
  23. 1 = no skills/training/effectiveness, or no activities in this area
    2 = minimal skills/training/effectiveness, or limited activities in this area
    3 = moderate skills/training/effectiveness, or moderate level of activities in this area
    4 = good skills/training/effectiveness, or regular level of activities in this area
    5 = excellent skills/training/effectiveness, or high level of activities in this area

    My leadership ability is: 1     2     3     4     5
    My ability to mentor others successfully is: 1     2     3     4     5
    I regularly use my leadership abilities as a teacher: 1     2     3     4     5
    My success rate when I seek to be a leader is: 1     2     3     4     5
    The opportunity for me to exercise my ability as a
    leader in my school or profession is:
    1     2     3     4     5
    The leadership ability of my fellow teachers is: 1     2     3     4     5
    The leadership ability of my school administrators is: 1     2     3     4     5
    My willingness to act as a leader is: 1     2     3     4     5
    My interest in acting as a leader is: 1     2     3     4     5
    Others would rate my leadership ability as: 1     2     3     4     5

  24. Add any other items where you would like to rate yourself and give yourself a rating of 1-5.
  25. _________________________________________________________________

  26. Please provide any additional comments for the course facilitators regarding yourself, your goals for the course, your views on leadership, or your work environment, that you believe would be helpful background information for the course facilitators.
  27. _________________________________________________________________

Thank you. This information will be very helpful and will be kept confidential. After the course you may want to revisit this questionnaire to see if you have any new perspectives on these questions and every six months or so please revisit these questions and keep track of your responses over time in a “Leadership Journal” or folder/notebook.

Your name: _____________________________ Email Address: ____________________

Send your finished questionnaire to